I want to start my specialist training in Sweden, how do I proceed?

In order to practice medicine in Sweden you need to have a Swedish medical license. If you already have a license to practice from your country of residence, you can have it validated in Sweden. You also need to have at least level C1 in Swedish language before you can work in Sweden.

The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), will assess your academic and clinical background.

Specialty training or residency in Sweden is composed of hospital services in a subordinate position under full professional responsibility. The training period within the specialty itself and within other relevant fields is in progress during at least five years. Specialty training cannot be commenced until full registration as a Swedish medical practitioner has been achieved.

In Sweden, the continued clinical training of medical doctors towards specialist competence is the responsibility of the public health authorities, i.e. the county councils and the major cities, not the universities.

Read more about the process 

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