
Hi i just bought my new mixer. I tried making 1 loaf of bread but its been 40 mins and i havent pass the windowpane stage. And im very frustated. I used the medium speed with dough roller. Please advice. Thanks


  • Hi Gabby,

    hard to say exactly without pictures or video, but usually the problem is using too much flour, try adding just until the dough starts letting go of the bowl.

    If you could get back to me with a video I'll be sure to follow up!
    Johan Customer Service
  • Thanks for your reply! Will try to use less flour & include a picture/ video next time im using the mixer.
  • I have the same experience. I tried making hte swedish cardamom bun and the stollen. The mixing time is 30 to one hour. I felt very anxious everyone I use the Ank.
    Selena Yingnor Wilson
  • Hi Selena,

    you should'nt have to be anxious using the Ank! If possible, could you send me a video of you mixing a dough, and I'll try to get back to you with some feedback?
    Johan Customer Service
  • Thanks. I will do that later.
    Selena Yingnor Wilson
  • Hey Johan, You mentioned to stop adding flours after the dough let go of the bowl. How many % less flour would you say each recipe? Around 10-20%? Im afraid if i dont follow the recipe to the gram it will affect the dough. Thanks
  • Hi Gabby,

    it's difficult to say. My best advice is that you will get a feel for it with time. Less flour usually means fluffier bread. More flour makes it harder for the dough to rise, resulting in a thicker bread. So it depends on the situation, but you won't ruin a dough by using less flour. 😀
    Johan Customer Service

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