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Which beaters do you use for pound cakes

Is the same equipment used for sponge cakes and pound cakes?


  • Hi Peggy,

    Here's a helpful guideline for using different attachments with your Ankarsrum Assistent:

    1. Balloon whisks: We recommend using these for cakes that are egg-based.
    2. Cookie whisks: These are ideal for cakes that are made with butter and sugar.
    3. Dough roller: You can also utilize the dough roller for making items like cookie dough and buttercream.
    Remember, it's important to use room temperature butter when using your Ankarsrum Assistent.

    If you have any further questions or need more assistance, please feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    Elvira Marketing
  • This cake contains 3 cups of sugar, 8 ounces of butter, 3 cups of flour, six eggs and a cup of sour cream so I suppose I will use the cookie wisps. Is that correct? Thank you.
  • You've got it right! When it comes to softened butter, the cookie whisks are indeed the ideal choice. On the other hand, if you're working with melted butter, the balloon whisks are more commonly used. So, in this case, the cookiewhisks are the appropriate attachment to use.

    Elvira Marketing

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