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Dough Knife Issues (recent)

I have about 1200 loaves through this machine and up until about a week ago, no issues. However, recently the dough knife has been causing me some serious issues. I don’t know why but the knife has started to pull away from the side of the bowl and basically rips the dough apart as the bowl spins. This is not an issue with my recipe or process - as i mentioned isn’t he first sentence, I’ve made over 1200 loaves with the same few recipes and this has never happened

I am aware that sometimes dough gets stuck behind the knife and requires a quick scrape to clear - this is not that.

It doesn’t matter if i move the roller closer too or further away from the side of the bowl, or if i slow up or speed down the rotation. The dough knife almost immediately pulls away from the side of the bowl and gets caught in the larger dough mass, causing a ton of pulling and ripping in the dough

What could have changed? Do i need a new knife?


  • Hi,

    It seems like the dough knife might be slightly bent. I recommend reaching out to the distributor in your country to purchase a new one.

    Distributors - Ankarsrum

    If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to let me know.

    Thank you!
    Elvira Marketing
  • Hi, this is my first time making sourdough with my new ankarsum. I am having the same problem as in this post - the scraper is cutting the bread dough. It needed constant watching to clear the dough.  The mixer was a gift and my nieces and nephew sent it to me through Amazon. Do I need a new scraper?
    Virginia Mead
  • Hi Virginia,

    sounds like it might be. Give your local distributor a call and they will help you troubleshoot your issue.
    Johan Customer Service

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