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Ice freezeup and breakup data for KARUNGITRÄSK station

I am a PhD student at University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. I am working on ice jam and river ice processes and I figured out that your database has interesting data collection regarding the ice freeze up and breakup events in multiple stations throughout Sweden. I was wondering if I can ask for the whole data at KARUNGITRÄSK station. The current data is recorded until 1996 but my study covers the time period of 1981 - 2020. Could you please let me know if SMHI can provide me with the requested data for only research purposes?

Thanks in advance
Abolfazl Jalali
Abolfazl Jalali Shahrood


  • Hello,
    All our data of freezeup and breakup are available att Vattenwebb. We don´t have any later data fro Karunguträsk.
    Vänliga hälsningar
    Maud Hydrolog

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