The Cultural Outlaw

Cultural Outlaw’s Substack

Yesterday, my priest’s homily addressed the horrors of abortion and IVF. Abortion and IVF murders children – turning God’s children into commodities which can simply be disposed of and disregarded at one’s preference. We are all bearers of God’s image, and Catholics must continually defend the lives of the unborn.

Speaking about the sanctity of life, Father quoted St. Augustine,

If Caesar can require his image in a coin, cannot God require his image in a human being?

Our Lord has a purpose for our lives, even if we feel lost or confused. We’re here for a reason, and He has a plan for each of us.

He had a plan for the babies who have been murderously killed and ripped away from their mother’s womb.

He had a plan for the babies who were killed as a frozen embryo.

He had a plan for the babies killed at conception.

And He has a plan for you.

I’ve never cried during a homily, but I found myself with tears falling down my face. Even while writing this, I’m once again crying.

If anyone needs a reminder today – Jesus loves you so much. He loves you more than you can imagine. In the words of St. Francis de Sales,

When did God's love for you begin?

When He began to be God.

When did He begin to be God?

Never, for He has always been without beginning and without end, and so He has always loved you from all eternity.


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21 okt. 2024

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How blessed you are to have a priest who is willing to speak boldly. In these times especially we need fearless shepherds but sadly, many are unwilling or are afraid to offend U OCH A ÄR ABORTUS OCH EUNASTASIA ÄR SÅDANT SOM HITLER GJORDE MEN IDAG I SVERIGE FÖREKOMMER VILKET BORDE FÖRBJUDAS ÄVEN HERODES GJORDE SAMMA SAK VI HAR VÄL KOMMIT LÄNGRE I VÅR NÅD OCH BARMHÄRTIGHET ATT VI KRISTNA ÄR EMOT ALL ABORTUS OCH EUNASTASIA? SUZANA MONIKA //

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