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How do I upload a photo for my Access card?

How do I upload a photo for my Access card?


  • Hi Julie,

    Photos can only be uploaded by an administrator.

    As an administrator, please follow these steps:

    • Log in at https://portal.ssgsolutions.com/
    • Once logged in, click on "Learning admin"
    • Click on "Users", and select the relevant user
    • Scroll down to where you manage the accesscard. There you can choose to upload a photo.
    If you are a student missing a photo, please contact your administrator at your company.
    Sofia Supportadministratör
  • My uploaded photo was dismissed in 2 days after uploading. What to do? How can I receive my access card at all?
  • Hi Lars!

    If the photo was rejected it probably didn't meet the requirements.

    Try and upload another photo and please think of this when uploading it:

    • Photo must be in close-up of face, head and shoulders. 
    • Headwear, safety goggles, earmuffs or similar must not be worn.
    • You can crop your photo when uploaded.
    • The photo needs to be at least 300 pixels wide and 420 pixels high
    • Valid file formats are jpeg, gif, and png.
    Once the photo has been approved, the card will automatically be processed and sent to your previously chosen delivery address.

    Sofia Supportadministratör

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