How do I log in?

How do I log in to take a course?


  • Hi Andrew,

    It depends on whether you have upgraded your account or not. If you haven't, you will use your student ticket code or username and password. Using this, you will be able to go through with upgrade and select whether you want to log in with your email address or mobile phone number.

    If you've already upgraded your account, you will use either your e-mail address or mobile phone number to log in.

    Log in at SSG 

    If you're experiencing problems with logging in, or need to change the e-mail address or mobile phone number you've selected as log in, please give us a call at  +46 (0)60-14 15 10.
    Sofia Supportadministratör
  • Good morning,
    Our employee has a problem with logging in after changing the phone or e-mail address. As admistrator I've updated his data but he can't login due to the system do not recognize the new phone number or e-mail address asignated to his account.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Przemyslaw,

    As an administator the only details you are able to edit for a user, is the contact details to him. You are not able to select or change login information for anyone else but yourself.

    If the user needs help changing his login data, please advise him to call us at +46 (0)60-14 15 10, and we will make sure to help him.
    Sofia Supportadministratör

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