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Skillnad mellan studentlägenhet och övriga lägenheter?

Vilken skillnad i standard, läge m.m. kan man generellt säga finns mellan era studentlägenheter och vanliga lägenheter?


  • Hej Marie!

    Skillnaden är bl.a. att hyreslägenheter har 12-månaders hyra och 3 månaders uppsägningstid räknat från nästa månadsskifte. Studentlägenheter har 10-månaders hyra och en månads uppsägningstid räknat från nästa månadsskifte.

    Lulebos studentlägenheter på Porsön ligger inom samma område som LTU och där har vi även vanliga hyreslägenheter. Det är bästa läget för LTU-studenter.

    I vanlig ordning gäller att man ska titta på lägenheten innan man tackar ja till ett erbjudande. Dock har vi inte visning för möblerade rum i korridor.

    Har du fler frågor om detta är du välkommen att kontakta vårt Kundcenter, här finns kontaktuppgifter.


  • Please admin, I am an international student admitted to the Lulea University of technology and I don't have the details to fill on these templates. What should I do?
  • Hi,

    Some of the fields are required. Therefore you need to fill in what´s close to what is requested to move forward.

    If you have further questions please contact our Customer Service. You can reach them at phone number 0920-23 67 20 between 9:00 to 12:00 on weekdays. 

    Best regards from Lulebo
  • Hi,
    I am planning to arrive in Lulea in August, 2023 with my family (myself, husband, 1 baby).
    Can I apply for a student apartment?
  • Hi Vidana.

    In order to apply for a studentapartment you need to be able to show that you are a student at LTU with at least 15 points. You also need to be able to show an accommodation reference from your current or most recent landlord.

    If you have more questions, please contact us at phone number 0920-23 67 20, weekdays between 9:00-12:00.

    Best regards Lulebo
  • What do you mean by ''You also need to be able to show an accommodation reference from your current or most recent landlord.'' I am international student.
  • Hi Dilhanie.

    If you are an international student or an exchange student you don´t need to show an accommodation reference from a landlord. You only need to be able to show that you are a student at LTU with at least 15 points.

    If you have more questions, please contact us at phone number 0920-23 67 20, weekdays between 9:00-12:00.

    Best regards Lulebo
  • Jag förstår inte varför jag inte kan välja lägenhet och det fungerar inte tack på förhand hjärtligt
  • Hi,

    I'm an international student who has been selected for LTU and is planning to arrive in August 2024 with my family (husband and 2 children). Can I apply for a student apartment?
    Anushka Perera
  • Hi.

    All our available apartments can be found on our website, https://www.lulebo.se/ledigt/lagenhet.
    There you need to search for the apartments that are interesting for you. We don´t have any other available apartments than those you find on the website.

    Most of our apartments are assigned according to queue time, but sometimes we have so-called "direct bookings" which are assigned according to the first-come, first-served principle.
    If there are direct bookings, they are released on the website weekdays between 9.00-10.00. These are a good opportunity for those who don´t have such a long queue time or need an apartment quickly.
    To search for an apartment you need to login to My Pages and be registered in our queue for apartments. You can registrate by this link: ​Register My Pages​​​

    For more information, it's fine to call Lulebo Apartment Agency, weekdays between 07:15-15:30 on +46920236700

    Greetings from Lulebo

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