Additional cost

Dear Lulebo team, please can you tell me if water, electricity and heating is included in the monthly rent or it is an additional cost to the monthly rent in all your student houses? 

Thank you very much for your time and response.


  • Good morning Nina!

    Heating, warm water and internet are included in every student apartment. Household electricity is included in some student apartment but not in all of them. In all of the furnished student apartments the electricity are included, but not in all of the unfurnished one.

    If you have more questions about student housing, you are welcome to contact our Housing Agency on 0920-23 67 20, telephone hours: weekdays 9:00 - 12:00.

    Kind regards
  • Hi Team,

    Thank you very much for your answer!

    Please can you tell me also if VAT is included in the rent in all student apartments in all houses? Is there any other hidden monthly fee?

    Thank you a lot for your help.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Nina!

    No VAT or other charges are added to the rent. The rent shown when you search for available student apartments is the one that applies.

    However, the rent may change due to possible annual rent increases. It´s usually takes place annually on July 1.

    Kind regards

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