Co-applicant and points

Could you please explain how it works with points for co-applicants?
My wife has 1000 points, I have 200 points. We are co-applicants. How will be our points be calculated when we apply for an apartment? Will they count as 1200?

Best Regards


  • Hi, thank you for your question!

    The points (i.e. days at Boplats) will not be affected by connecting your accounts. The points are individual and are not added together.

    Becoming co-applicants on Boplats is an indication to the landlord that you are looking for an apartment together. The advantage of connecting your accounts is that your incomes are added together in the system. This means that you will be able to apply for apartments where you do not meet the income requirements alone.

    All landlords at rank the applicants by their Days at Boplats. The person who is logged in and applies for an apartment becomes the main applicant, which is why it is beneficial to apply from the account with the most collected Days at Boplats.

    The member fee on Boplats is optional, but we recommend that you both pay the fee to collect Days at Boplats individually, even if you are co-applicants. If you remove each other as co-applicants later on, each person will keep their own Days at Boplats.
    Elin, Boplats Göteborg
  • Hello,
    2 part questions:
    If I remove my coapplicant (ex boyfriend) from my boplats account, will I be automatically removed as coapplicant from the coapplicant's (ex boyfriend) account as well? (who had added me as coapplicant before).
    Will my ex boyfriend be notified that I removed him as my coapplicant?

  • Hi, thank you for your question!

    The co-applicant connection is mutual. If one of you removes the co-applicant connection, you will each be removed from each others profile page.

    If you remove your co-applicant from your profile page, you will also automatically be removed from his profile page.

    He will not get any message or notification if you remove him as co-applicant - the box for co-applicant will just be empty.
    Elin, Boplats Göteborg
  • hello
    I have a question,
    before married I and my boyfriend have separate boplats account.After the married Co-applicant, it will be automatically added together? can be separate? Thank you 😀
  • Hi Chun, thank you for your question!

    It's up to you if you want to become co-applicants on

    The points (i.e. days at Boplats) will not be affected by connecting your accounts. The points are individual and are not added together. So we recommend that you both keep paying the fee for your individual accounts even if you become co-applicants.

    Becoming co-applicants on Boplats is an indication to the landlord that you are looking for an apartment together. The advantage of connecting your accounts is that your incomes are added together in the system. This means that you will be able to apply for apartments where you do not meet the income requirements alone.
    Elin, Boplats Göteborg
  • How can I add a co applicant to my account?
  • Hi Sara, thank you for your question!

    Here's how to  add a co-applicant:
    1. Sign in at and go to My Pages / My Profile.
      Add the social security number of the person you want to apply with under the heading Co-applicant in your account under My Pages / My profile.
    2. The person who is going to be a co-applicant then signs in on their own page at and goes to My Pages / My profile and agrees to be a co-applicant.
    Please note that the other person also must have their own user account at in order for you to become co-applicants. You can only be co-applicant with someone who is your partner/spouse. You can't be co-applicants with a friend or family member. 

    Elin, Boplats Göteborg

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