
I am looking at getting an Ankarsrum mixer.  I cold ferment sourdough overnight then the next morning add salt and additional flour. Will the mixer except a bulk dough, and then add flour to begin second part of the kneading before proofing.?
thank you for your time,
Brian Brunck


  • Hi Brian

    The best way to use the Ankarsrum mixer is to first mix the liquid part of the dough and then add flour to the right viscosity.
    Therefore, the baking method you describe will be optimal when using the Ankarsrum mixer.

    Kind regards,
  • I like to make sourdough bread. I have been using another quality mixer, and the results are no good. What makes this one great for sourdough bread? Also, are the components made of steal or plastic?
  • Hi DPW,

    our customers cite strength, capacity and build quality as our key selling points. I'm not sure if I can conjure a specific point for sourdough bread, but I'd imagine you'd be impressed with the possibilities of making big batches of bread and the gentle kneading that mimics hand kneading.

    Our parts are made of a mix of stainless steel, aluminum and plastic.
    Johan Customer Service

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