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Is the knife supposed to make a constant scraping sound / eat plastic

Please help the first time owner understand what to expect by putting a STOP-read me first brochure in with the mixer. It’s an expensive mixer. Stuff should be adjusted perfectly before use - like dough hook height, so it doesn’t scrape the bottom.

the problem we are seeing is a scraping sound constantly of the knife against the wall of the mixer. Seems like this could have been engineered to not scrape. When making dough. It doesn’t need to be an exact scrape to the wall of the unit. It could be set a distance apart a d still do the job. At least engineer a cheap after market add on for the dough hook and the scraper thatt goes under them before you insert them, and that has a nob to dial in how far away from the wall of the machine you want it.

look, it’s a beautiful machine and the quiet part of it was great,until the knife made it annoyingly loud.
Scott Sent


  • Hi Scott,

    Thank you for your message and we completely understand where you are coming from. There are times when you may want to adjust the height of the dough hook to make it closer to the bottom of the bowl or higher. For this reason, we aren't able to have a fixed position during production.

    As for the scraper making a horrible noise, we are happy to take a closer look at this if you would like to video the issue and email it to our office at:

    It is always possible that during the molding process of the dough knife, the metal post was positioned slightly out of alignment which can cause the dough knife to sit at just such an angle that it can make a really loud noise. Again, we are happy to take a look and send a new dough knife if we determine you have a defective piece.

    We look forward to resolving this issue for you.
    Ashley VP Sales & Marketing

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