Dough Scraper issue

Ankarsrum Original purchased in June 2019.
I made bread using the mixer for about 6 months until I took a break from baking (truth be told, my bread wasn't very good and my family didn't want to eat it).
September 2023 I began the bread baking process again (with a new recipe!) as my family needed healthier bread options than what we could get at the store and my husband didn't like that my expensive mixer was not being used.
A few months ago I noticed that as the dough kneads -- a black residue appears on the dough scraper. I stop the machine and remove it as I don't want it mixed into the dough. But every time I use it -- the same thing happens. Can you please help me with this?
Brijet Miller


  • Hello Brijet,

    Thank you for your message. There can sometimes be a residue on the bowl due to how stainless steel pots, pans and bowls are produced. Here you can read more about that process and suggested methods for cleaning to help reduce the possibility of having this residue.

    Washing instructions - Ankarsrum US

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.
    Ashley VP Sales & Marketing

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