Dough Knife

I keep getting a black residue only on the top, bowl-facing edge of the knife. What is it and how can I prevent it from happening?
Amy Jacobs


  • Hi Amy, this is a common issue with stainless steel products like bowls and/or pots and pans. Check out the washing instructions page on our site to learn different ways to clean the inside of your bowl to resolve this issue. Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Washing instructions - Ankarsrum US
    Ashley VP Sales & Marketing
  • I do wash it according to these recommendations.  My mixer is Magic Mill Assistent, over 20 years old.  It has been a consistent issue for as long as I've had the mixer.
    Amy Jacobs
  • Hi Amy,

    We would still recommend following the special cleaning instructions (wiping down with olive oil, a salt and lemon scrub or even a stainless steel cleaner such as bar keepers friend). But another option for your machine is to check down in the hole where the scraper fits. There should be a screw down in that hole which you can adjust and raise up. This will help the scraper sit at a slightly different angle and should help.
    Ashley VP Sales & Marketing

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