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Dough is climbing up the side of the bowl?

Dough is climbing up the side of the bowl, what can I do about this?


  • This happens when baking with the dough roller, when using the roller you are supposed to let it lie against the edge of the bowl, as the bowl makes it start to spin. This makes the initial mixing of the dough faster and easier. When the dough is starting to take shape, you are supposed to adjust the arm so that the roller is 2-4 cm away from the edge, depending on the size of the dough.
    Johan Customer Service
  • Hi, when I use dough hook to make high hydration dough, around 10 mins after, dough is climbing the bowl side even i put the knife there, why is this happen?
  • Hi Linda, the dough knife is intended to always be used while mixing. You are welcome to send us a video of what is happening so that we are better able to troubleshoot with you. Our email is:
    Ashley VP Sales & Marketing

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