Ankarsrum Pasta Attachments
Do I need to buy the pasta roller lasagna first or are all the pasta attachments also rollers?
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the lasagna roller is not a requirement, but you would need to roll the pasta manually before processing it in the fettuccine/lasagnette/spaghetti rollers.
the lasagna roller would be my recommendation as well!
I’m having a question regarding Ankarsrum Pasta Cutter/Roller Attachments, does the roller and cutter are two separate things when it comes to purchase or how does it work? Do I need to order both roller and spagetti cutter or each of the cutter attachments can be the roller of itself
I’m couldn’t figure it out myself since I’m very new to this subject. Please help.
Thank you and looking forward to hear from you.
the lasagna roller flattens pasta dough into thin sheets, the other rollers are for shaping the sheets into the desired shape. It's possible to roll the dough by hand, but usually I always recommend going for the lasagna roller first as that's where you'll save the most tedious work of the process.
have you rolled the dough into the correct thickness before using the fettuccine roller? You should aim for size 5 or 6 in the lasagna roller before cutting fettuccine.
Also, be sure to sprinkle the dough with some flour to avoid sticking. The plastic parts are supposed to scrape the rollers. If possible, film the roller in action and send it to us for further investigation.
I really want to get this to work as the Ankarsum is such an amazing machine.
Hi again Barbara,

the metal rods are supposed to hold the plastic scrapers in place, please reference the photo below. In the image, one side of the rod to the right is slotted into the hole of one side and it sits in the plastic scraper.
The scraper has a groove where the rod should sit. Now, you want to slide the rod into the other hole, locking the plastic scraper in place. To do so, press the rod down towards the roller and slide it in all the way so that the beveled knob at the end of the rod is inside of the hole in the casing. It will now look like the rod to the left in the image.
It's a bit of a finicky operation to get this right, but push down on the ridged part of the rod to get a good grip and don't be afraid to use a bit of force.
This should help keeping the scrapers in place.