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TrafikLab emission API

Hi there,

It was interesting to find that there an actual centralized DB on the emission of different modes of transport.

I have two questions for the start that I really appreciate if you can provide me with any info about them or put me in contact with anyone that might have an idea about them.

  •  How up-to-date are the data provided in this DB?
  •  I had a look on the Commute Greener website and did not find that very active.  Any idea about their activity in this area? 


  • Hello Ramin,

    Thanks for your inquiry!

    Trafiklab provides its own APIs which we provide support for, but we also host the third-party APIs, e.g. Commute Greener.

    In this case, you need to contact Commute Greener directly to clarify how up to date their data is. Their website has a contact form for the feedback and questions.

    Kind regards,
    Elena Kurganova
    Team Trafiklab

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