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Stuck in "Create a project"

Hello ! I want to create a project ; but after clicking on "Save", the project does not appear in my profile …
When I click on "Save", I stay on the project page, without any error.


  • Hi!

    Unfortunately we seem to have a problem with "Create project" at the moment. We're working on resolving this issue.

    Team Trafiklab
  • Hi again!

    Just wondering if you happen to have a screen dump of what you filled in when create project failed?
    Date and time? (So that we can dig in the logs...)
    Browser? Operating system?

    If I remember correctly, the page will scroll to a field that is not correctly filled in. And display a error message.
    This is sometimes not very clear and might also not work in all browsers.

    Team Trafiklab
  • It is happening to me too.
    When will you fix this problem?
  • It's happening to me as well - I press save and stay on the same project page.
    Is there any way around it?

    I'm interested in RT data
  • Hi Anastasia
    I need a more detailed description from you when the bug appears.
    Can you describe what you do and what happens?

    Regards Pia
    Team Trafiklab
  • Hey Pia,
    I starting with creating a project: put the name for it, select APIs that I need, put a tag tripplanner and then press "save" button on the bottom. The page starts loading and I come back to the same place - the blank new project page. When I open my profile, there are no open projects

  • Hi Anastasia
    I tried to reproduce your case and succeeded. You can use that project if you want I called it Test

    Regards Pia

    Team Trafiklab
  • hey,

    I'm sorry but I do not see it ... Can you maybe send me a link?
    Is this API connected to it? 
    I need a key for it
  • Hi
    Can you please try again? It should work now.

    Have you heard about GTFS Regional? I think it might be interesting for you.
    Below you have a link to GTFS Regional 

    Regards Pia
    Team Trafiklab
  • I see the project now! Thank you - and I'll definately have a look at the GTFS Regional.

    The Keys tab is empty though - what is my next step?

  • Hi
    If you do like this
    go to your profile and select the specific project.
    Select API keys
    Download key
    Agree the terms and conditions.

    Regards Pia
    Team Trafiklab
  • I managed to do it! Thank you 😀
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