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Cannot add api key to project

Hey! I have a project open and I want to add SL Real Time Information 4 API - but I can't.
I open project ---> edit ---> choose the API ---> press save. But nothing happens. Can you help me with it?


  • Hi Justin
    Do you get an error message during the process?

    Regards Pia
    Team Trafiklab
  • Hi Pia,

    No error message was displayed on the page when this was attempted.

    Regards, Justin
  • I have one more question for you.
    Have you changed the language from Swedish too ->?

    Regards Pia
    Team Trafiklab
  • The page was translated by my browser to english.
  • Thanks, Justin
    We will take a look at this case.
    Regards Pia

    Team Trafiklab
  • No thank you

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