How do I report a fault in my apartment?

There is something wrong with my stove. How do I report this?



  • Hi William.

    Thanks for getting in touch with us, this is an important question

    If a fault occurs in your apartment, it is important that you contact us so that we can fix it. You can report a problem in two ways:  

    • Call our Customer Centre on weekdays (excluding holidays) between 07.00-16.00 on 0500-47 74 00 and speak to one of the staff members there. They can answer certain questions and will enter the fault report into the system for the district caretaker or the person responsible for fixing the problem. You will be asked whether we have permission to enter with the master key or not. 
    • On My Pages, you can report faults at any time of the day. The website is only in Swedish. 
    I hope this information was helpful

    Kristina Kundcenter

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