Lulebo Points and Priority?
While applying for apartments, I see that people with "Highest points" upto 5000 points are applying for apartments. I understand from your policies that a person can earn 1 point per day. And the dormant points expire every year. So does this imply that a person with 5000 points has been in the queue for more than 13 years?!
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That's right.
You get one point per day when you are in our queue.
Best regards from Lulebo
Wow! I will never get an apartment through Lulebo.
That is correct. You get one point per day when you are in our que for apartments.
If you don´t have many purchased points we recommend that you keep an eye for our direct bookings.
Our apartments on direct booking is apartments that have been published on our website, but have not been rented out for some reason. These apartments is not assigned according to que time. They are signed with the person who first make interest in the aparmtent. Our apartments on direct booking is published every weekday between 9:00-10:00 if we have any.
Best regards Lulebo