

I am after a refurbished computer with these specs,wondering if you had anything.I would prefer Ubuntu and no windows,no monitor needed

Rgs Greg

CPU i5 4 cores, 16GB memory, 2TB hard disk, 100M bandwidth


  • Hi Greg,

    Thank you for your post. Please have a look into our webshop. There you´ll find what we have to offer at the moment.

    We do not have Ubuntu software, only Windows 10 at the moment.

    Send us a message again if there is anything else we can help you with.

    Have a nice day!

  • If I buy an laptop and I find in é weeks foe example a problem what to do?

  • Hello Ousmane

    Thank you for contacting us.

    If you encounter any problems you are more than welcome to email support@inrego.se with your order number and our support agents will help you further. 😀

    Kind regards
  • Hi
    I want to cancel my order

    Semab arshad
  • Hi Semab,

    your order is now canceled
    Felix Teamleader
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