Rental payments methods

How can I pay my rent?
Heimstaden Germany


  • Dear tenants,

    There are various options available for paying of rent from which you can choose freely.

    Single transfer
    You instruct this one-off payment yourself each month, for example using a bank transfer form or online banking. Here you enter all the required data, such as recipient, IBAN and reason for payment.

    Standing order
    With a standing order, you instruct your bank to transfer a constant amount from your current account to a specified payee at a specific time. A standing order can be set up either for an unlimited period or for a limited period.

    SEPA direct debit mandate
    Unlike a bank transfer, the payee, in this case Heimstaden for example, initiates the entry - not you as the payer. To do this, you must authorize the payee to debit your account.
    If you are interested, create a request via MyHome so that we can provide you with a SEPA mandate there.
    If you are unable to use our online portal, please use our contact form on our Website.

    Best regards,

    Your Heimstaden Germany Team
    Heimstaden Germany
    (Aktualisiert )
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